Nanotechnology Now – Press Release: Optical vacuum cleaner can manipulate nanoparticles: The TPU and international researchers developed a concept for constructing an optical vacuum cleaner; due to its optical properties, it can trap nanoparticles from the environment; currently, there are no sufficiently effective

Home > Press > Optical vacuum cleaner can manipulate nanoparticles: The TPU and international researchers developed a concept for constructing an optical vacuum cleaner; due to its optical properties, it can trap nanoparticles from the environment; currently, there are no sufficiently effective(a) Schematic diagram for the "optical vacuum cleaner", where...

How to accelerate change towards sustainability?

The EEA report ‘Sustainability transitions: policy and practice’ identifies policy options for responding to systemic environmental and climate problems in Europe and globally. The report sets out 10 sets of messages for policy, outlining how governments and other actors can enable systemic change towards long-term sustainability goals.Focusing in particular on...

Nanotechnology Now – Press Release: Rice reactor turns greenhouse gas into pure liquid fuel: Lab’s ‘green’ invention reduces carbon dioxide into valuable fuels

Home > Press > Rice reactor turns greenhouse gas into pure liquid fuel: Lab's 'green' invention reduces carbon dioxide into valuable fuelsThis schematic shows the electrolyzer developed at Rice University to reduce carbon dioxide, a greenhouse gas, to valuable fuels. At left is a catalyst that selects for carbon dioxide...