Nanotechnology Now – Press Release: A New Old Therapy: A controlled phage therapy can target drug-resistant bacteria while sidestepping potential unintended consequences

Home > Press > A New Old Therapy: A controlled phage therapy can target drug-resistant bacteria while sidestepping potential unintended consequencesAbstract:The fight against drug-resistant pathogens remains an intense one. While the Centers for Disease Control’s (CDC) 2019 “biggest threats” report reveals an overall decrease in drug-resistant microbe-related deaths as compared...

Spider-Man-style robotic graspers defy gravity

Jan 17, 2020 (Nanowerk News) Specially designed vacuum suction units allow humans to climb walls. Scientists have developed a suction unit that can be used on rough surfaces, no matter how textured, and that has applications in the development of climbing robots and robotic arms with grasping capabilities. Traditional methods...