Nanotechnology Now – Press Release: Gentle probes could enable massive brain data collection: National Institutes of Health backing Rice’s Chong Xie to refine flexible nanoelectronics thread

Home > Press > Gentle probes could enable massive brain data collection: National Institutes of Health backing Rice’s Chong Xie to refine flexible nanoelectronics threadThe National Institutes of Health is backing a Rice University project to continue the development of flexible nanoelectronic thread to gather information from neurons. The miniaturized...

Shape matters for light-activated nanocatalysts

Sep 18, 2020 (Nanowerk News) Researchers at Rice University’s Laboratory for Nanophotonics (LANP) have long known that a nanoparticle’s shape affects how it interacts with light, and their latest study shows how shape affects a particle’s ability to use light to catalyze important chemical reactions. In a comparative study, LANP...