Nanotechnology Now – Press Release: Spintronics advances –

Home > Press > Spintronics advances -- Controlling magnetization direction of magnetite at room temperature: Scientists develop an energy-efficient strategy to reversibly change 'spin orientation' or magnetization direction in magnetite at room temperatureCreating high-density spintronic memory devices with large capacity and even neuromorphic devices that mimic biological neural systems. ...

Cell-free technology accelerates industrial biotechnology

Nov 20, 2020 (Nanowerk News) Industrial biotechnology aims to use microbes, such as bacteria, as miniature factories. These factories would convert molecules, the smallest packages of chemicals, into desirable products. They rely on enzymes, which are proteins that accelerate specific chemical reactions. However, designing, building, and optimizing sets of enzymes...

Nanotechnology Now – Press Release: 180 Degree Capital Corp. Reports +7.4% Growth and $2.90 Per Share NAV as of September 30, 2020, and Developments From Q4 2020

Home > Press > 180 Degree Capital Corp. Reports +7.4% Growth and $2.90 Per Share NAV as of September 30, 2020, and Developments From Q4 2020Abstract:180 Degree Capital Corp. (NASDAQ:TURN) (“180” and the “Company”), today reported its financial results as of September 30, 2020, and additional developments from the fourth...

buoyancy-driven convection in the electrolyte

Nov 20, 2020 (Nanowerk News) Hydrogen produced by using solar energy could contribute to a climate neutral energy system of the future. But there are hurdles on the way from laboratory scale to large-scale implementation. A team at HZB has now presented a method to visualise convection in the electrolyte...

Nanotechnology Now – Press Release: SPACEX CREW-1 FLIGHT TO IMPROVE BENEFITS FROM INTERNATIONAL SPACE STATION: National Space Society’s Ongoing Support for Commercial Spaceflight Shows Results

Home > Press > SPACEX CREW-1 FLIGHT TO IMPROVE BENEFITS FROM INTERNATIONAL SPACE STATION: National Space Society's Ongoing Support for Commercial Spaceflight Shows ResultsCrew-1 Atronauts. Credit: NASA.Abstract:On Tuesday, at 11:01 pm Eastern Time, SpaceX’s Crew-1 flight successfully docked with the International Space Station in its first operational flight with a...

Light-controlled nanomachine controls catalysis

Nov 20, 2020 (Nanowerk News) The vision of the future of miniaturisation has produced a series of synthetic molecular motors that are driven by a range of energy sources and can carry out various movements. A research group at Friedrich-Alexander-Universitt Erlangen-Nrnberg (FAU) has now managed to control a catalysis reaction...

One-way street for electrons

Nov 20, 2020 (Nanowerk News) Whether in solar cells, in photosynthesis or in the human eye: when light falls on the material, a green leaf or the retina, certain molecules transport energy and charge. This ultimately leads to the separation of charges and the generation of electricity. Molecular funnels, so-called...