Nanotechnology Now – Press Release: Rice lab peers inside 2D crystal synthesis: Simulations could help molecular engineers enhance creation of semiconducting nanomaterials

Home > Press > Rice lab peers inside 2D crystal synthesis: Simulations could help molecular engineers enhance creation of semiconducting nanomaterialsThree gas-phase molecules react at high temperatures during chemical vapor deposition to form molybdenum disulfide, a two-dimensional semiconductor that could find use in next-generation electronics. In this illustration, molybdenum atoms...

Miniature robots controlled by magnetic fields (w/video)

Jun 15, 2021 (Nanowerk News) A team of scientists at NTU Singapore has developed millimetre-sized robots that can be controlled using magnetic fields to perform highly manoeuvrable and dexterous manipulations. This could pave the way to possible future applications in biomedicine and manufacturing. The research team created the miniature robots...