Using metal 3D printing to design ultra-compact, high-power heat exchangers

Sep 12, 2021 (Nanowerk News) Demonstrating next-generation energy technology, researchers at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign are using topology optimization and metal 3D printing to design ultra-compact, high-power heat exchangers (Joule, "Ultra-power-dense heat exchanger development through genetic algorithm design and additive manufacturing"). Used in most major industries – including...

Nanotechnology Now – Press Release: Tweezer grant pleases Rice researchers: University wins NSF grant to acquire ‘optical tweezer’ to manipulate micron-scale matter

Home > Press > Tweezer grant pleases Rice researchers: University wins NSF grant to acquire ‘optical tweezer’ to manipulate micron-scale matterMike Williams Rice University Office: 713-348-6728 Jeff Falk Rice University Office: 713-348-6775Abstract:Pick up a pea with one chopstick while blindfolded and you’ll get a sense of the challenge...