Nanotechnology Now – Press Release: Intelligent optical chip to improve telecommunications: An INRS team uses autonomous learning approaches for optical waveform generators to boost optical signal processing functionalities for current and future telecom applications

Home > Press > Intelligent optical chip to improve telecommunications: An INRS team uses autonomous learning approaches for optical waveform generators to boost optical signal processing functionalities for current and future telecom applicationsThe smart pulse-shaper can autonomously adjust the output to a user-defined target waveform.Abstract:From the internet, to fibre or...

Nanotechnology Now – Press Release: Cellular environments shape molecular architecture: Researchers glean a more complete picture of a structure called the nuclear pore complex by studying it directly inside cells

Home > Press > Cellular environments shape molecular architecture: Researchers glean a more complete picture of a structure called the nuclear pore complex by studying it directly inside cellsA model of the human nuclear pore complex (NPC), depicting the major proteins that make up the pore’s three rings. From top...

Nanotechnology Now – Press Release: Using quantum Parrondo’s random walks for encryption: Asst Prof Kang Hao Cheong and his research team from SUTD have set out to apply concepts from quantum Parrondo’s paradox in search of a working protocol for semiclassical encryption

Home > Press > Using quantum Parrondo’s random walks for encryption: Asst Prof Kang Hao Cheong and his research team from SUTD have set out to apply concepts from quantum Parrondo’s paradox in search of a working protocol for semiclassical encryptionThe SUTD team discovered that chaotic switching for quantum coin...

Amount of information in visible universe quantified

Oct 19, 2021 (Nanowerk News) Researchers have long suspected a connection between information and the physical universe, with various paradoxes and thought experiments used to explore how or why information could be encoded in physical matter. The digital age propelled this field of study, suggesting that solving these research questions...

Nanotechnology Now – Press Release: Molecular Sciences Software Institute receives $15 million grant from National Science Foundation

Home > Press > Molecular Sciences Software Institute receives $15 million grant from National Science FoundationT. Daniel Crawford CREDIT Virginia TechAbstract:The Molecular Sciences Software Institute (MolSSI), based in Virginia Tech’s Corporate Research Center, has received a $15 million renewal grant from the National Science Foundation. Molecular Sciences Software Institute...

Four-legged swarm robots

Oct 18, 2021 (Nanowerk News) As a robotics engineer, Yasemin Ozkan-Aydin, assistant professor of electrical engineering at the University of Notre Dame, gets her inspiration from biological systems. The collective behaviors of ants, honeybees and birds to solve problems and overcome obstacles is something researchers have developed in aerial and...

Nanotechnology Now – Press Release: How to program DNA robots to poke and prod cell membranes: A discovery of how to build little blocks out of DNA and get them to stick to lipids has implications for biosensing and mRNA vaccines

Home > Press > How to program DNA robots to poke and prod cell membranes: A discovery of how to build little blocks out of DNA and get them to stick to lipids has implications for biosensing and mRNA vaccinesImage shows how to build DNA ‘nanostructures’ to effectively manipulate synthetic...