Modeling quantum spin liquids using machine learning

Nov 19, 2021 (Nanowerk News) The properties of a complex and exotic state of a quantum material can be predicted using a machine learning method created by a RIKEN researcher and a collaborator (Physical Review X, "Dirac-type nodal spin liquid revealed by refined quantum many-body solver using neural-network wave function,...

Acquiring spectra from single excited molecules

Nov 19, 2021 (Nanowerk News) RIKEN physicists have taken a spectrum from a single molecule using a new nanospectroscopy technique they developed (Science, "Single-molecule laser nanospectroscopy with micro–electron volt energy resolution"). This ability to probe individual molecules will be invaluable for tailoring the properties of organic materials for use in...

Nanotechnology Now – Press Release: Visualizing temperature transport: An unexpected technique for nanoscale characterization

Home > Press > Visualizing temperature transport: An unexpected technique for nanoscale characterization CREDIT Tokyo Tech Abstract:As devices continue to shrink, new challenges in their measurement and design present themselves. For devices based on molecular junctions, in which single molecules are bound to metals or semiconductors, we have a variety...

Advances in simple crystals for thermoelectric technology

Nov 19, 2021 (Nanowerk News) Space probes, gas pipelines, and other applications require an ongoing source of thermoelectric power without direct human maintenance, but current technologies for the corresponding energy conversion are inefficient. Now, researchers from Japan and Denmark have provided a greater understanding of the basis of ultralow thermal...