Nematicity is a new piece in a phase diagram puzzle

Jan 06, 2022 (Nanowerk News) Although twisted sheets of double bilayer graphene have been studied extensively the past few years, there are still pieces missing in the puzzle that is its phase diagram—the different undisturbed, ground states of the system. Writing in Nature Physics ("Moiré nematic phase in twisted double...

Researchers develop a method that gives enzymes the ability to catalyze new-to-nature reactions

Jan 06, 2022 (Nanowerk News) Enzymes are biology’s catalytic workhorses, binding molecules together, splitting them apart and reconfiguring them in processes vital to everything from digestion to breathing. Their availability, efficiency and specificity have long made them popular for reactions outside biological systems as well, including those involved in food...

Engineered adhesion makes programmed self-assembly of bacteria possible

Jan 06, 2022 (Nanowerk News) Researchers from the Shenzhen Institute of Advanced Technology (SIAT) of the Chinese Academy of Sciences have reported the programmed self-assembly of bacterial populations by engineered adhesion. The study was published in Nature Chemical Biology ("Programmable living assembly of materials by bacterial adhesion"). Engineered living materials...

A novel strategy for sustainable post-lithium-ion batteries

Jan 06, 2022 (Nanowerk News) Scientists at the Bristol Composites Institute have developed a novel controllable unidirectional ice-templating strategy which can tailor the electrochemical performances of next-generation post-lithium-ion batteries with sustainability and large-scale availability. The paper is published in the journal Advanced Functional Materials ("Ice-Templated, Sustainable Carbon Aerogels with Hierarchically...

Smart materials generate electricity and support temperature regulation through cooling

Jan 06, 2022 (Nanowerk News) Miniaturized electronic devices worn on the body, so-called wearables, check vital functions, count steps or provide information about traffic and weather. In order to continuously supply these technical companions with power, researchers at Leibniz Institute of Photonic Technology (Leibniz IPHT), together with a team from...