Revealing new states in 2D materials

Feb 24, 2022 (Nanowerk News) Atomically thin two-dimensional (2D) materials can provide highly interesting excitonic properties, which render them an attractive platform to explore polaritonic physics. In the literature, a variety of inorganic exciton-polariton systems have been studied experimentally and described theoretically using the broadly accepted model of two coupled...

A superior new material for optoelectronic devices

Feb 24, 2022 (Nanowerk News) Liquid crystals derived from borophene have risen in popularity, owing to their immense applicability in optoelectronic and photonic devices. However, their development requires a very narrow temperature range, which hinders their large-scale application. Now, Tokyo Tech researchers investigated a liquid-state borophene oxide, discovering that it...

Asymmetric nanowaves

Feb 24, 2022 (Nanowerk News) Scientists from the Fritz Haber Institute of the Max Planck Society, Vanderbilt University, City University of New York, University of Nebraska, and University of Iowa have just published new results on asymmetric light-matter waves in the reknowned magazine Nature ("Hyperbolic shear polaritons in low-symmetry crystals")....

Fingertip sensitivity for robots (w/video)

Feb 24, 2022 (Nanowerk News) In a paper published in Nature Machine Intelligence ("A soft thumb-sized vision-based sensor with accurate all-round force perception"), a team of scientists at the Max Planck Institute for Intelligent Systems (MPI-IS) introduce a robust soft haptic sensor named “Insight” that uses computer vision and a...

Mysterious source of fast radio bursts

Feb 23, 2022 (Nanowerk News) The Fast Radio Bursts (FRBs) are millisecond-long bursts of radiation recorded on radio waves. They are extremely powerful - for example, during one of the brightest flashes lasting five milliseconds, as much energy is radiated as our Sun generates in a month. The scale of...