A new type of robotic prosthesis learns from the user

Mar 19, 2022 (Nanowerk News) Aalto University doctoral candidate Dennis Yeung and his research group have developed and tested a new type of technology that enables better compatibility between a prosthesis and the amputated area. The study (IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering, "Co-adaptive control of bionic limbs via unsupervised adaptation...

Nanotechnology Now – Press Release: Better understanding superconductors with Higgs spectroscopy Prof. Stefan Kaiser from TU Dresden awarded ERC Consolidator Grant

Home > Press > Better understanding superconductors with Higgs spectroscopy Prof. Stefan Kaiser from TU Dresden awarded ERC Consolidator GrantAbstract:Superconductivity is a macroscopic quantum state characterized by the disappearance of electrical resistance in materials at extremely low temperatures. Electrical currents can therefore flow through it without a constant drive being...

Nanotechnology Now – Press Release: Turning any camera into a polarization camera: Metasurface attachment can be used with almost any optical system, from machine vision cameras to telescopes

Home > Press > Turning any camera into a polarization camera: Metasurface attachment can be used with almost any optical system, from machine vision cameras to telescopes The grating is mounted just in front of the front face of a chosen objective lens in a tube that also houses a...

Biomolecular building blocks gripped by laser

Mar 19, 2022 (Nanowerk News) Laser pulses that briefly grab hold of floating molecules and align them precisely in space – this may sound like an original but academic party trick, however the technique which the team led by DESY’s Jochen Küpper is now presenting in the scientific journal Nature...

Nanotechnology Now – Press Release: A unified theory of electrochemical energy storage: Bridging batteries and supercapacitors: There is a spectrum from chemical to physical retention of ions. Researchers say acknowledging and understanding it is the key to progress for energy storage technology

Home > Press > A unified theory of electrochemical energy storage: Bridging batteries and supercapacitors: There is a spectrum from chemical to physical retention of ions. Researchers say acknowledging and understanding it is the key to progress for energy storage technology Abstract:For decades researchers and technologists have regarded batteries and...

A new brain-computer interface with a flexible backing

Mar 19, 2022 (Nanowerk News) Engineering researchers have invented an advanced brain-computer interface with a flexible and moldable backing and penetrating microneedles. Adding a flexible backing to this kind of brain-computer interface allows the device to more evenly conform to the brain’s complex curved surface and to more uniformly distribute...

3D printing giant nanotechnology models

Mar 19, 2022 (Nanowerk News) One challenge of researching nanotechnology is that you can’t manipulate the pieces with your hands. You can look at computer models, but it isn’t the same as tactile interaction. Models can be 3D printed, but this can be unrealistic for small high schools, universities, or...

Nanotechnology Now – Press Release: Researchers develop the world’s first power-free frequency tuner using nanomaterials

Home > Press > Researchers develop the world's first power-free frequency tuner using nanomaterials How the technology works CREDIT Editor: Utku Emre Ali Narrator: Jack Davies Abstract:In a paper published today in Nature Communications, researchers at the University of Oxford and the University of Pennsylvania have found a power-free...