Mar 21, 2022 (Nanowerk News) Whether it's photovoltaics or fusion, sooner or later, human civilization must turn to renewable energies. This is deemed inevitable considering the ever-growing energy demands of humanity and the finite nature of fossil fuels. As such, much research has been pursued in order to develop alternative...
Oils produced from microalgae could replace palm oil in food production
Mar 21, 2022 (Nanowerk News) A team of scientists led by Nanyang Technological University, Singapore (NTU Singapore) has developed a method to effectively produce and extract plant-based oils from a type of common microalgae. As the oils produced from the microalgae are edible and have superior properties as those found...
Nanotechnology Now – Press Release: Ultra-compact integrated photonic device could lead to new optical technologies
Home > Press > Ultra-compact integrated photonic device could lead to new optical technologiesAbstract:Photonic integrated circuits are essential to many technologies, including fiber-optic communications, mapping systems, and biosensors. Ultra-compact integrated photonic device could lead to new optical technologies Chicago, IL | Posted on March 18th, 2022These circuits which use...
Nanotechnology Now – Press Release: Physicists find direct evidence of strong electron correlation in a 2D material for the first time: The discovery could help researchers engineer exotic electrical states such as unconventional superconductivity
Home > Press > Physicists find direct evidence of strong electron correlation in a 2D material for the first time: The discovery could help researchers engineer exotic electrical states such as unconventional superconductivity Caption:In the moiré superlattice of trilayer graphene and hBN, a localized electron absorbs a photon and hops...
Artificial intelligence paves the way to discovering new rare-earth compounds
Mar 19, 2022 (Nanowerk News) Artificial intelligence advances how scientists explore materials. Researchers from Ames Laboratory and Texas A&M University trained a machine-learning (ML) model to assess the stability of rare-earth compounds. The framework they developed builds on current state-of-the-art methods for experimenting with compounds and understanding chemical instabilities (Acta...
Nanotechnology Now – Press Release: Nanocarriers based on nucleic acids–
Home > Press > Nanocarriers based on nucleic acids--- an important player in the future field of nanomedicine Classification, construction and application of NCNAs in nanobiotic delivery system. CREDIT ©Science China Press Abstract:Currently, chemotherapy is still the main clinical treatment strategy for cancer. Although it has produced significant effects,...
A new type of robotic prosthesis learns from the user
Mar 19, 2022 (Nanowerk News) Aalto University doctoral candidate Dennis Yeung and his research group have developed and tested a new type of technology that enables better compatibility between a prosthesis and the amputated area. The study (IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering, "Co-adaptive control of bionic limbs via unsupervised adaptation...
Nanotechnology Now – Press Release: Better understanding superconductors with Higgs spectroscopy Prof. Stefan Kaiser from TU Dresden awarded ERC Consolidator Grant
Home > Press > Better understanding superconductors with Higgs spectroscopy Prof. Stefan Kaiser from TU Dresden awarded ERC Consolidator GrantAbstract:Superconductivity is a macroscopic quantum state characterized by the disappearance of electrical resistance in materials at extremely low temperatures. Electrical currents can therefore flow through it without a constant drive being...
Cosmic flashes pinpointed to a surprising location in space
Mar 19, 2022 (Nanowerk News) Astronomers have been surprised by the closest source of mysterious flashes in the sky called fast radio bursts. Precision measurements with radio telescopes reveal that the bursts are made among old stars, and in a way that no one was expecting. The source of the...
New technique opens door to cheaper semiconductors, higher chip yield
Mar 19, 2022 (Nanowerk News) Scientists from the NTU Singapore and the Korea Institute of Machinery & Materials (KIMM) have developed a technique to create a highly uniform and scalable semiconductor wafer, paving the way to higher chip yield and more cost-efficient semiconductors. Left: Image of a six-inch silicon wafer...