Mar 26, 2022 (Nanowerk News) A research team has uncovered new clues into the exotic behavior of unconventional superconductors – devices that efficiently carry electrical current with zero resistance in ways that defy our previous understanding of physics. “The hope is that our work may lead to a better understanding...
Nanotechnology Now – Press Release: Studying atomic structure of aluminum alloys for manufacturing modern aircraft
Home > Press > Studying atomic structure of aluminum alloys for manufacturing modern aircraftAbstract:Researchers from the Belgorod State University (BSU) and the Skolkovo Institute of Science and Technology (Skoltech) studied aluminum alloys at the atomic level and found patterns that will help improve their structure. The findings will be useful...
Large moons may be a clue for habitable planets
Mar 26, 2022 (Nanowerk News) Earth's moon is vitally important in making Earth the planet we know today: the moon controls the length of the day and ocean tides, which affect the biological cycles of lifeforms on our planet. The moon also contributes to Earth's climate by stabilising Earth's spin...
Nanotechnology Now – Press Release: Snapshot measurement of single nanostructures circular dichroism
Home > Press > Snapshot measurement of single nanostructures circular dichroism a, Schematic drawing of the LCPG-based polarization-dispersive spectrometer. The inset illustrates the director distribution of the liquid crystal in the grating. b, Structure of the vertically coupled nanorod pairs used in this work. c, Dark-field image of an array...
Digital twin accelerates development of better biofibres
Mar 26, 2022 (Nanowerk News) A team of scientists from the Royal Institute of Technology (KTH) in Stockholm and DESY has developed a so-called digital twin for X-ray experiments and used it to study the production process of novel biofibres. The digital twin allows the experimental data to be interpreted...
How deep learning can assist focused ion beam nanofabrication
Mar 26, 2022 (Nanowerk News) Focused Ion-Beam (FIB) milling is a nanoscale, direct-write fabrication technique where the removal of of material from a target surface is induced by a focused ion beam. It is a popular and versatile approach for creating structures on scales of about 10-100 nm, in particular...
Nanotechnology Now – Press Release: Hot spin quantum bits in silicon transistors
Home > Press > Hot spin quantum bits in silicon transistors The newly developed qubits are based on so-called holes (red) whose spin (arrow) in one or the other direction stores the information. They are arranged in an architecture based on silicon transistors. CREDIT Illustration: NCCR Spin Abstract:Quantum bits...
The wild years of our Milky Way galaxy
Mar 26, 2022 (Nanowerk News) A very long ago, our Milky Way had a truly eventful life: between about 13 and 8 billion years ago, it lived hard and fast, merging with other galaxies and consuming a lot of hydrogen to form stars. With the help of a new data...
Nanotechnology Now – Press Release: Protective equipment with graphene nanotubes meets the strictest ESD safety standards
Home > Press > Protective equipment with graphene nanotubes meets the strictest ESD safety standards Abstract:Graphene nanotubes ensure compliance with international ESD safety standards for personal protective equipment at automotive, electronics, and ATEX facilities.Nanotubes outperform competing anti-static solutions in all elements of uninterrupted grounding chain of industrial wear, including gloves,...
DARPA kicks off program to explore space-based manufacturing
Mar 26, 2022 (Nanowerk News) DARPA’s Novel Orbital Moon Manufacturing, Materials, and Mass Efficient Design (NOM4D) program is underway with eight industry and university research teams on contract. The selected teams are tasked to provide foundational proofs of concept in materials science, manufacturing, and design technologies to enable production of...