Nanotechnology Now – Press Release: How a physicist aims to reduce the noise in quantum computing: NAU assistant professor Ryan Behunin received an NSF CAREER grant to study how to reduce the noise produced in the process of quantum computing, which will make it better and more practical

Home > Press > How a physicist aims to reduce the noise in quantum computing: NAU assistant professor Ryan Behunin received an NSF CAREER grant to study how to reduce the noise produced in the process of quantum computing, which will make it better and more practical Credit: Northern Arizona...

Nanotechnology Now – Press Release: Self-standing mesoporous Si film can power lithium-ion batteries Peer-Reviewed Publication

Home > Press > Self-standing mesoporous Si film can power lithium-ion batteries Peer-Reviewed Publication SEM image of the cross-section of the optimal Si film electrode after cycling. CREDIT The Authors. Abstract:Battery researchers at the University of Eastern Finland have developed a self-standing mesoporous silicon (Si) film anode for lithium-ion...

Nanotechnology Now – Press Release: NYU physicist to lead project that aims to enhance quantum computing: Research backed by $7.5 million multidisciplinary university research initiative award

Home > Press > NYU physicist to lead project that aims to enhance quantum computing: Research backed by $7.5 million multidisciplinary university research initiative award Photo credit: Selman Keles/Getty Images. Abstract:New York University Physicist Javad Shabani will lead a team of scientists, under a $7.5 million research award, in developing...

What drives electron-hole asymmetry in graphene?

Apr 02, 2022 (Nanowerk News) Using the Advanced Light Source (ALS), researchers determined that interactions between electrons are what give rise to the divergent effects observed when graphene is doped with electrons versus holes (npj Quantum Materials, "Correlation-driven electron-hole asymmetry in graphene field effect devices"). A better understanding of this...

Nanotechnology Now – Press Release: Graphene crystals grow better under copper cover

Home > Press > Graphene crystals grow better under copper cover A schematic illustration of the single-crystal graphene sheets grown on an insulating substrate. The method could enhance next-generation nanomaterial-based devices. © Springer Nature; Reproduced with permission from Junzhu Li et al (2022). Abstract:An approach that produces single-crystal graphene...

Nanotechnology Now – Press Release: Could quantum technology be New Mexico’s next economic boon? Quantum New Mexico Coalition aims to establish state as national hub

Home > Press > Could quantum technology be New Mexico’s next economic boon? Quantum New Mexico Coalition aims to establish state as national hub Quantum technologies, like this quantum computer at Sandia National Laboratories, might be a source of future jobs in New Mexico’s tech sector. CREDIT Bret Latter,...

Quantum ‘shock absorbers’ allow perovskite to exhibit superfluorescence at room temperature

Apr 02, 2022 (Nanowerk News) Semiconducting perovskites that exhibit superfluorescence at room temperature do so due to built-in thermal “shock absorbers” which protect dipoles within the material from thermal interference. A new study (Nature Photonics, "Room Temperature Superfluorescence in Hybrid Perovskites and Its Origins") from North Carolina State University explores...

Nanotechnology Now – Press Release: Quantum ‘shock absorbers’ allow perovskite to exhibit superfluorescence at room temperature

Home > Press > Quantum ‘shock absorbers’ allow perovskite to exhibit superfluorescence at room temperature Image by Ella Maru Studio Abstract:Abstract:The formation of coherent macroscopic states and the manipulation of their entanglement using external stimuli is essential for emerging quantum applications1-3. However, the observation of collective quantum coherent phenomena such...