Shedding new light on controlling material properties

Apr 05, 2022 (Nanowerk News) Materials scientists may soon be able to control material properties with light. A team consisting of researchers at Kyoto University and Kurume Institute of Technology have discovered a scaling law that determines high-order harmonic generation in the solid-layered perovskite material, Ca2RuO4 (Physical Review Letters, "High-order...

better method for measuring genes

Apr 05, 2022 (Nanowerk News) All cells have the same genes, but for their various functions what matters is which genes are active when, where, and to what extent. Active genes are copied in the cell into the messenger RNA (mRNA) molecule, which acts as a construction manual for the...

Thermal electrons play key role in determining emissions from gamma-ray-burst afterglows

Apr 04, 2022 (Nanowerk News) The presence of unusually energetic gamma rays seen in some afterglows from intense gamma-ray bursts (GRBs) could be explained by a new mathematical model developed by RIKEN researchers (The Astrophysical Journal, "A semianalytic afterglow with thermal electrons and synchrotron self-Compton emission"). This finding could help...

Shape-shifting slimebots (w/video)

Combining the benefits of both fluid and solids, researchers have demonstrated various functions for their slimebots, including navigation in narrow channels much smaller than their size; object capture operations via the curl or endocytosis modes; and circuit repair and controlled switching using their own conductive properties that can even be...