Laser additive manufacturing of Si/ZrO2 tunable crystalline phase 3D nanostructures

Apr 07, 2022 (Nanowerk News) A route for laser nano-printing of 3D crystalline structures was developed. The method employs ultrafast laser lithography, used as additive manufacturing tool for producing true 3D nanostructures, and combined with high temperature thermal post-treatment, converting the printed material into fully inorganic substance. The carried out...

Astronomers detect galactic space laser

Apr 07, 2022 (Nanowerk News) A powerful radio-wave laser, called a ‘megamaser’, has been observed by the MeerKAT telescope in South Africa. The record-breaking find is the most distant megamaser of its kind ever detected, at about five billion light years from Earth. The light from the megamaser has travelled...

Microcavities as a sensor platform

Apr 07, 2022 (Nanowerk News) Sensors are a pillar of the Internet of Things, providing the data to control all sorts of objects. Here, precision is essential, and this is where quantum technologies could make a difference. Researchers in Innsbruck and Zurich are now demonstrating how nanoparticles in tiny optical...