Better, faster, energy efficient predictions

Apr 08, 2022 (Nanowerk News) Predicting how climate and the environment will change over time or how air flows over an aircraft are too complex even for the most powerful supercomputers to solve. Scientists rely on models to fill in the gap between what they can simulate and what they...

First integrated laser on lithium niobate chip

Apr 08, 2022 (Nanowerk News) For all the recent advances in integrated lithium niobate photonic circuits — from frequency combs to frequency converters and modulators — one big component has remained frustratingly difficult to integrate: lasers. Long haul telecommunication networks, data center optical interconnects, and microwave photonic systems all rely...

The hunt for the gravitational wave background

Apr 07, 2022 (Nanowerk News) Coalescing supermassive black holes in the centers of merging galaxies fill the universe with low-frequency gravitational waves. Large radio telescopes have already looked for the subtle effect of these spacetime ripples on radio waves emitted by pulsars within our Galaxy. Now, an international team of...