Nanotechnology Now – Press Release: Graphene-driving strain engineering to enable strain-free epitaxy of AlN film for deep ultraviolet light-emitting diode Peer-Reviewed Publication

Home > Press > Graphene-driving strain engineering to enable strain-free epitaxy of AlN film for deep ultraviolet light-emitting diode Peer-Reviewed Publication a FWHMs XRCs of AlN epilayer with various thicknesses grown on Gr-buffered sapphire. b Estimated DD of the AlN films with and without Gr buffer layer with various thicknesses....

Nanotechnology Now – Press Release: Three dimensional Mn-doped NixSy/Ni2P and Mn-doped Ni2O3/Ni2P nanosheets as efficient electrocatalysts for alkaline overall water splitting

Home > Press > Three dimensional Mn-doped NixSy/Ni2P and Mn-doped Ni2O3/Ni2P nanosheets as efficient electrocatalysts for alkaline overall water splitting Mn-doped Ni2O3/Ni2P and Mn-doped NixSy/Ni2P are successfully fabricated through hydrothermal reaction and subsequently phosphorization and sulfurization. The characterization results also show that the existence of heterostructures and the corresponding composition...

Nanotechnology Now – Press Release: USTC found a pathway to high-quality ZnSe quantum wires

Home > Press > USTC found a pathway to high-quality ZnSe quantum wires (a) The solution-solid-solid growth mechanism. (b) Two-step catalyzed growth for independent radial and axial size control of ZnSe QWs. CREDIT ©Science China Press Abstract:One-dimensional semiconductor nanowires with strong quantum confinement effect, i.e. quantum wires (QWs), are...

Nanotechnology Now – Press Release: First integrated laser on lithium niobate chip: Research paves the way for high-powered telecommunication systems

Home > Press > First integrated laser on lithium niobate chip: Research paves the way for high-powered telecommunication systems The on-chip laser is combined with a 50 gigahertz electro-optic modulator in lithium niobate to build a high-power transmitter. CREDIT (Credit: Second Bay Studios/Harvard SEAS) Abstract:For all the recent advances...

Live view into catalyst materials

Apr 09, 2022 (Nanowerk News) A new X-ray study offers unprecedented possibilities for analysing catalysts and other materials with a porous structure. The work marks an important step towards tailor-made porous materials and can thus contribute to saving emissions and raw materials in a more sustainable chemistry, as the team...

Nanotechnology Now – Press Release: Researchers redefine how liquid and solid layers stick together based on molecular forces: New study reveals how intermolecular forces inform the design of smart materials

Home > Press > Researchers redefine how liquid and solid layers stick together based on molecular forces: New study reveals how intermolecular forces inform the design of smart materials Relationship between surface tension of pure liquids and internal wetting thresholds CREDIT Nano Research Abstract:A recent study by researchers from...