Multifunctional graphene-based composites oriented by roles of graphene in photocatalysis

Apr 20, 2022 (Nanowerk News) Graphene, a single-layer carbon sheet with a hexagonal packed lattice structure, has displayed attractive potential in artificial photocatalysis due to its enchanting properties in enhancing light absorption, electron transfer dynamics, and surface reactions. Nowadays, multifunctional graphene-based photocatalysts, such as graphene-semiconductor, graphene-metal, and graphene-organics have been...

Molecular robots work cooperatively in swarms (w/video)

Apr 20, 2022 (Nanowerk News) In a global first, scientists have demonstrated that molecular robots are able to accomplish cargo delivery by employing a strategy of swarming, achieving a transport efficiency five times greater than that of single robots. Swarm robotics is a new discipline, inspired by the cooperative behavior...

Scientists are saving the planet by coding green

Apr 20, 2022 (Nanowerk News) Climate change has forced humankind to think differently in order to preserve the planet and every living being. A wide variety of technologies and services that preserve natural resources have emerged worldwide, as a result of research and innovation efforts. We now have zero-emission vehicles,...

Mars may have less water than previously estimated

Apr 20, 2022 (Nanowerk News) Researchers from the Oden Institute and Jackson School of Geosciences have developed an improved model for planet-wide groundwater flow prediction on Mars that is not only more accurate but, according to its author, more elegant too. A graphic rendering of Mars, showing its icy northern...