Tangle no more, nanotubes

Apr 27, 2022 (Nanowerk News) Carbon nanotubes that are prone to tangle like spaghetti can use a little special sauce to realize their full potential. Rice University scientists have come up with just the sauce, an acid-based solvent that simplifies carbon nanotube processing in a way that’s easier to scale...

Glimpse inside a graphene sandwich

Apr 27, 2022 (Nanowerk News) Since the first successful fabrication of a two-dimensional structure of carbon atoms about 20 years ago, graphene has fascinated scientists. A few years ago, researchers discovered that two layers of graphene, slightly twisted against each other, can conduct electric current without loss. Honeycomb-shaped structures made...

Decoding the lifecycle of photogenerated charges

Apr 27, 2022 (Nanowerk News) New materials will enable novel technologies to turn sunlight into electricity and fuels. Combinations of molecules and tiny nanoparticles make these materials a reality. The molecules in these materials are very good at absorbing sunlight and donating electrons to the nanoparticles. The nanoparticles then move...

Researchers unveil a highly efficient means to reverse magnetization with spin currents

Apr 26, 2022 (Nanowerk News) An international research team has achieved an important milestone in the quest for high density, low-power consuming nonvolatile magnetic memory (Nature Electronics, "Efficient spin-orbit torque in magnetic trilayers using all three polarizations of a spin current"). "We established a new method to enable magnetization reversal...

New strategy to synthesize single-hole hollow carbon nanospheres helps further reveal void-confinement effects

Apr 26, 2022 (Nanowerk News) Hollow structured nanomaterials are promising in the fields of adsorption, catalysis, energy storage and drug delivery/controlled release, owing to their high porosity, large surface area and abundant inner void space. However, in few unique applications where a large species is involved, the complete hollow shell...