Nanotechnology Now – Press Release: Self-propelled, endlessly programmable artificial cilia: Simple microstructures that bend, twist and perform stroke-like motions could be used for soft robotics, medical devices and more

Home > Press > Self-propelled, endlessly programmable artificial cilia: Simple microstructures that bend, twist and perform stroke-like motions could be used for soft robotics, medical devices and more The microstructures in a radially arranged microarray , as seen here, can perform complex traveling waves of locally interacting posts . ...

Nanotechnology Now – Press Release: Reconfigurable silicon nanoantennas controlled by vectorial light field

Home > Press > Reconfigurable silicon nanoantennas controlled by vectorial light fieldAbstract:A new publication from Opto-Electronic Advances; DOI 10.29026/oea.2022.210014 consider reconfigurable silicon nanoantennas controlled by vectorial light field. Reconfigurable silicon nanoantennas controlled by vectorial light field Sichuan, China | Posted on May 6th, 2022According to Mie's theory,high-index dielectric particles can...

Nanotechnology Now – Press Release: In balance: Quantum computing needs the right combination of order and disorder: Study shows that disorder in quantum computer chips needs to be designed to perfection / Publication in ‘Nature Communications’

Home > Press > In balance: Quantum computing needs the right combination of order and disorder: Study shows that disorder in quantum computer chips needs to be designed to perfection / Publication in ‘Nature Communications’Abstract:Research conducted within the Cluster of Excellence ‘Matter and Light for Quantum Computing’ (ML4Q) has analysed...

Highest degree of purity achieved for polarized X-rays

May 05, 2022 (Nanowerk News) A research team was able to generate polarized X-rays with unprecedented purity at the European XFEL in Hamburg. The experiments involved scientists from the Helmholtz Institute Jena, a branch of GSI, Friedrich Schiller University Jena and the Helmholtz Center Dresden-Rossendorf. The method is supposed to...

Dynamic metasurfaces and metadevices empowered by graphene

May 05, 2022 (Nanowerk News) Metasurfaces, artificial subwavelength structured interfaces, exhibit unprecedented capabilities to manipulate electromagnetic (EM) waves ranging from visible to terahertz and microwave frequencies. In the past decade, static metasurfaces and metadevices have been researched extensively. Due to the passive nature of building blocks in general made of...