Nanotechnology Now – Press Release: Nanotubes: a promising solution for advanced rubber cables with 60% less conductive filler

Home > Press > Nanotubes: a promising solution for advanced rubber cables with 60% less conductive filler Abstract:•Graphene nanotubes are proven as an innovative solution for the cable industry: from a semi-conductive layer to anti-static jacketing and accessories.•Being applied in EPDM rubber, graphene nanotubes allow producers to reduce the total...

It’s a trap! Laser light ensnared by invisible bonds

Jun 01, 2022 (Nanowerk News) In collaboration with the group of Professor Mordechai Segev (Technion, Israel Institute of Technology), physicists from the group of Professor Alexander Szameit (University of Rostock) have demonstrated a novel type of mechanism that can prevent light waves from spreading freely. So far, the underlying physical...

Bacteria-killing drills get an upgrade

Jun 01, 2022 (Nanowerk News) The latest iteration of nanoscale drills developed at Rice University are activated by visible light rather than ultraviolet (UV), as in earlier versions. These have also proven effective at killing bacteria through tests on real infections. Six variants of molecular machines were successfully tested by...

Study uncovers how structural changes affect the superconducting properties of a metal oxide

Jun 01, 2022 (Nanowerk News) A team led by University of Minnesota Twin Cities researchers has discovered how subtle structural changes in strontium titanate, a metal oxide semiconductor, can alter the material’s electrical resistance and affect its superconducting properties. The research can help guide future experiments and materials design related...

Water treatment efficiently removes nanoplastics

Jun 01, 2022 (Nanowerk News) The biologically active, slow-flow sand filters of lake water treatment would remove nanoplastics from the raw water very efficiently. This was shown both in the laboratory and in larger, realistic tests and modelling. It’s a hot topic, at least on social media: tiny plastic particles...

Herpes virus to be weaponized to fight cancer

Jun 01, 2022 (Nanowerk News) Viruses can make animals and humans sick – or healthy: Researchers at the Fraunhofer Institute for Interfacial Engineering and Biotechnology IGB have succeeded in genetically modifying the herpes simplex virus type 1, which triggers painful cold sores, in such a way that it can be...