Jun 22, 2022 (Nanowerk News) Looks can be deceiving. The light from an incandescent bulb seems steady, but it actually flickers 120 times per second. Because the brain perceives only an average of the information it receives, this flickering is blurred. The perception of constant illumination is a mere illusion....
When the world of nanotechnology and microbreweries meet
Jun 22, 2022 (Nanowerk News) For a few years now, spent grain, the cereal residue from breweries, has been reused in animal feed. From now on, this material could also be used in nanotechnology! Professor Federico Rosei’s team at the Institut national de la recherche scientifique (INRS) has shown that...
A golden ticket to smaller electronics
Scientists demonstrate a new method for creating three-dimensional integrated circuit connections that works at low temperatures and does not require external pressure, which may lead to inexpensive and energy efficient electronic devices.
New ultrathin capacitor could enable energy-efficient microchips
Jun 22, 2022 (Nanowerk News) The silicon-based computer chips that power our modern devices require vast amounts of energy to operate. Despite ever-improving computing efficiency, information technology is projected to consume around 25% of all primary energy produced by 2030. Researchers in the microelectronics and materials sciences communities are seeking...
PICASSO technique drives biological molecules into technicolor
Jun 22, 2022 (Nanowerk News) Pablo Picasso’s surreal cubist artistic style shifted common features into unrecognizable scenes, but a new imaging approach bearing his namesake may elucidate the most complicated subject: the brain. Employing artificial intelligence to clarify spectral color blending of tiny molecules used to stain specific proteins and...
Researchers harness the power of a new solid-state thermal technology
Jun 22, 2022 (Nanowerk News) Researchers at the University of Virginia School of Engineering and Applied Science have discovered a way to make a versatile thermal conductor, with promise for more energy-efficient electronic devices, green buildings and space exploration. They have demonstrated that a known material used in electronic equipment...
Computer hardware mimics brain functions
Jun 21, 2022 (Nanowerk News) New microelectronics device can program and reprogram computer hardware on demand through electrical pulses. What if computers could learn to reconfigure their circuits when presented with new information? A multi-institutional team, including the U.S. Department of Energy’s (DOE) Argonne National Laboratory, has developed a material...
Another step towards synthetic cells
Jun 21, 2022 (Nanowerk News) Building functional synthetic cells from the bottom-up is an ongoing effort of scientists around the globe. Their use in studying cellular mechanisms in a highly controlled and pre-defined setting creates great value for understanding nature as well as developing new therapeutic approaches. Scientists from the...
Magnetic superstructures resonate with global 6G developers
Jun 21, 2022 (Nanowerk News) When will 6G be a reality? The race to realize sixth generation (6G) wireless communication systems requires the development of suitable magnetic materials. Scientists from Osaka Metropolitan University and their colleagues detected an unprecedented collective resonance at high frequencies in a magnetic superstructure called a...
Robotic fireflies take flight (w/video)
Jun 21, 2022 (Nanowerk News) Fireflies that light up dusky backyards on warm summer evenings use their luminescence for communication — to attract a mate, ward off predators, or lure prey. These glimmering bugs also sparked the inspiration of scientists at MIT. Taking a cue from nature, they built electroluminescent...