Why natural gas is not a bridge technology

Jul 05, 2022 (Nanowerk News) The expansion of natural gas infrastructure jeopardises energy transition, as natural gas is not a bridge technology towards a 100 per cent renewable energy system as defined by the Paris Climate Agreement. This is the result of a study conducted by an interdisciplinary German research...

New photocatalytic membrane that can be cleaned using light energy

Jul 05, 2022 (Nanowerk News) An international collaboration lead by Kobe University researchers has successfully developed a nanosheet-laminated photocatalytic membrane that demonstrates both excellent water permeance and photocatalytic activity. The membrane’s photocatalytic properties make it easier to clean as irradiating the membrane with light successfully reduces fouling. They developed this...

Universal light-driven rotation platform for nanoparticles and live cells

Jul 04, 2022 (Nanowerk Spotlight) The controlled rotation of micro- and nanoscale objects plays a crucial role in sensing, imaging, biomedicine, and manufacturing. Micro- and nanorotors have proved effective in the detection of vacuum friction, few-nanometer fabrication, precise nanosurgery, and microfluidic flow control. For instance, researchers have already shown that...