Nanotechnology Now – Press Release: The best semiconductor of them all? Researchers have found a material that can perform much better than silicon. The next step is finding practical and economic ways to make it

Home > Press > The best semiconductor of them all? Researchers have found a material that can perform much better than silicon. The next step is finding practical and economic ways to make it A team of researchers say cubic boron arsenide is the best semiconductor material ever found, and...

Nanotechnology Now – Press Release: Quantum computer works with more than zero and one: Quantum digits unlock more computational power with fewer quantum particles

Home > Press > Quantum computer works with more than zero and one: Quantum digits unlock more computational power with fewer quantum particles The Innsbruck quantum computer stores information in individual trapped calcium atoms, each of which has eight states, of which the scientists have used up to seven for...

Nanotechnology Now – Press Release: Biology’s hardest working pigments and ‘MOFs’ might just save the climate: A range of processes that currently depend on fossil fuels but are really hard to electrify will depend on the development of genuinely clean fuels, and for that to happen, much more efficient catalysts wi

Home > Press > Biology’s hardest working pigments and ‘MOFs’ might just save the climate: A range of processes that currently depend on fossil fuels but are really hard to electrify will depend on the development of genuinely clean fuels, and for that to happen, much more efficient catalysts wi...

Nanotechnology Now – Press Release: At the water’s edge: Self-assembling 2D materials at a liquid–liquid interface: Scientists find a simple way to produce heterolayer coordination nanosheets, expanding the diversity of 2D materials

Home > Press > At the water’s edge: Self-assembling 2D materials at a liquid–liquid interface: Scientists find a simple way to produce heterolayer coordination nanosheets, expanding the diversity of 2D materials This image depicts the formation of the second layer in a heterolayer coordination nanosheet. Cobalt ions pass through the...

Nanotechnology Now – Press Release: First electric nanomotor made from DNA material: Synthetic rotary motors at the nanoscale perform mechanical work

Home > Press > First electric nanomotor made from DNA material: Synthetic rotary motors at the nanoscale perform mechanical work Image: Anna-Katharina Pumm / TUM Abstract:A research team led by the Technical University of Munich (TUM) has succeeded for the first time in producing a molecular electric motor using the...

Nanotechnology Now – Press Release: Lithiophilic seeds and rigid arrays synergistic induced dendrite-free and stable Li anode towards long-life lithium-oxygen batteries

Home > Press > Lithiophilic seeds and rigid arrays synergistic induced dendrite-free and stable Li anode towards long-life lithium-oxygen batteries The enhanced lithiophilic properties and the rigid array structure of Al2O3-CNTA/3DG synergistically induce dendrite-free and stable Li anode. The LOBs full battery assembled with the Al2O3-CNTA/3DG-Li anode and CNTA/3DG cathode...