Programming pH

Jul 27, 2022 (Nanowerk News) pH — the concentration of protons in a watery solution — indicates how acidic the solution is. It regulates a broad range of natural and engineered chemical processes, including the synthesis of designed DNA sequences for applications in biotechnology. Changing the pH uniformly across an...

Researchers 3D print sensors for satellites

Jul 27, 2022 (Nanowerk News) MIT scientists have created the first completely digitally manufactured plasma sensors for orbiting spacecraft. These plasma sensors, also known as retarding potential analyzers (RPAs), are used by satellites to determine the chemical composition and ion energy distribution of the atmosphere. The 3D-printed and laser-cut hardware...

Artificial skin sweats on command

Jul 27, 2022 (Nanowerk News) Following the breakthrough with their first sweating artificial skin two years ago, Danqing Liu’s multidisciplinary team hasn’t been sitting still. Their goal: an artificial skin that sweats as naturally as possible. They have succeeded in this, as can be read in their article in Angewandte...

Some don’t like it hot: Thermal conductivity-switching bottleneck resolved

Jul 27, 2022 (Nanowerk News) Researchers from Osaka University and collaborating partners used straightforward chemical synthesis to modulate the phase transition of a thermal conductivity-switching block copolymer. Reversible changes in the nanostructured anisotropy in the material corresponded to an approximately two-fold change in the thermal conductivity, over the 27°C to...