Applying quantum speed limits to macroscopic systems

Jul 30, 2022 (Nanowerk News) An expression for the maximum speed at which changes in macroscopic systems can occur has been derived by a theoretical physicist at RIKEN (PRX Quantum, "Speed Limits for Macroscopic Transitions"). This will deepen our understanding of quantum phenomena in systems that are not in equilibrium....

Hybrid semiconductors perform under pressure

Jul 30, 2022 (Nanowerk News) Supported by high-pressure studies at the Advanced Light Source (ALS), researchers found that compressing hybrid (organic–inorganic) semiconductors significantly boosts their conductivity (Angewandte Chemie International Edition, "Charge Reservoirs in an Expanded Halide Perovskite Analog: Enhancing High-Pressure Conductivity through Redox-Active Molecules"). The work demonstrates a novel doping...

‘Zip codes’ tell RNA where to go

Jul 30, 2022 (Nanowerk News) They say that life comes without an instruction manual, but that’s not entirely true. Each cell in our body lives according to instructions issued by its DNA in the form of RNA molecules. RNA was recently thrust into the limelight as the basis of innovative...