Protein structures aren’t set in stone

Aug 26, 2022 (Nanowerk News) When you think of proteins – the enzymes, signaling molecules, and structural components in every living thing – you might think of single strands of amino acids, organized like beads on a string. But nearly all proteins consist of multiple strands folded up and bound...

Mimicking termites to generate new materials

Aug 26, 2022 (Nanowerk News) Inspired by the way termites build their nests, researchers at Caltech have developed a framework to design new materials that mimic the fundamental rules hidden in nature's growth patterns. The researchers showed that, using these rules, it is possible to create materials designed with specific...

Small molecules, giant (surface) potential

Aug 26, 2022 (Nanowerk News) In a molecular feat akin to getting pedestrians in a scramble crosswalk to spontaneously start walking in step, researchers at Kyushu University have created a series of molecules that tend to face the same direction to form a ‘giant surface potential’ when evaporated onto a...