Nanotechnology Now – Press Release: New catalyst offers a more affordable way to produce hydrogen from seawater

Home > Press > New catalyst offers a more affordable way to produce hydrogen from seawater (Photo courtesy: Getty Images) Abstract:Hydrogen has drawn attention in recent years as a potential source of clean energy because it burns without producing climate-damaging emissions. However, traditional hydrogen production methods have a substantial carbon...

Nanotechnology Now – Press Release: New cathode design solves major barrier to better lithium-ion batteries

Home > Press > New cathode design solves major barrier to better lithium-ion batteries Image shows single crystals of cathode material: (A) no internal boundaries and (B) internal boundaries visible. CREDIT (Image by Argonne National Laboratory.) Abstract:Boundary-free structure for electrode particles eliminates reactions that diminish battery life. Researchers at the...

Nanomolding could speed discovery of new topological materials

Sep 10, 2022 (Nanowerk News) Nanomolding of topological nanowires could speed the discovery of new materials for applications such as quantum computing, microelectronics and clean-energy catalysts, according to an APL Materials Perspectives article ("Nanomolding of topological nanowires") co-authored by Judy Cha, professor of materials science and engineering at Cornell. Topological...

Nanotechnology Now – Press Release: Digging a little deeper: New Earth Science Frontiers study explores the nanoscale properties of the Gulong shale oil reservoir: A new study elucidates the role of nanoscopic spaces in the in situ accumulation of shale oil in the Gulong-Qingshankou reservoir in China

Home > Press > Digging a little deeper: New Earth Science Frontiers study explores the nanoscale properties of the Gulong shale oil reservoir: A new study elucidates the role of nanoscopic spaces in the in situ accumulation of shale oil in the Gulong-Qingshankou reservoir in China a) and b): A...

Cancer diagnosis from a milliliter of blood

Sep 10, 2022 (Nanowerk News) Blood tests – simple, noninvasive and economically feasible – promise to become the next major milestone in cancer diagnosis. However, most of these tests, dubbed liquid biopsies, are currently not reliable enough for widespread use. A new, multiparameter approach developed at the Weizmann Institute of...

Nanotechnology Now – Press Release: Research improves upon conventional LED displays: With new technology, LEDs can be more cost-efficient and last longer

Home > Press > Research improves upon conventional LED displays: With new technology, LEDs can be more cost-efficient and last longer This graph shows the improved conversion efficiency of QLEDs (IPE%) when compared to traditional LEDs (QW-LEDs). QLEDs can achieve a power conversion efficiency around 90%. CREDIT Nano Research, Tsinghua...