The magneto-optic modulator

Sep 16, 2022 (Nanowerk News) Many state-of-the-art technologies work at incredibly low temperatures. Superconducting microprocessors and quantum computers promise to revolutionize computation, but scientists need to keep them just above absolute zero (-459.67 F) to protect their delicate states. Still, ultra-cold components have to interface with room temperature systems, providing...

zero-carbon fuel for the future?

Sep 16, 2022 (Nanowerk News) Gaining sustainable energy from wind, solar and water is commonly known and applied. However, renewable sources depend on environmental conditions: in peak times of wind and sun, excess energy is produced that is needed in times of less wind and sunshine. But how to store...

Size matters in functional materials

Sep 15, 2022 (Nanowerk News) A collaboration lead by DESY scientists has found a surprising behaviour of the quantum material vanadium dioxide (VO2) at the high-brilliance X-ray source PETRA III. Vanadium dioxide switches from an insulator into a conductive metal at a very common temperature of approximately 70 °C and...