Optical rule was made to be broken

Sep 19, 2022 (Nanowerk News) If you’re going to break a rule with style, make sure everybody sees it. That’s the goal of engineers at Rice University who hope to improve screens for virtual reality, 3D displays and optical technologies in general. Gururaj Naik, an associate professor of electrical and...

Self-powered bioelectronic face mask measures glucose levels

Sep 19, 2022 (Nanowerk Spotlight) Smart watches, fitness trackers, smart clothing, smart medical attachments, data gloves – the market for wearable sensor electronics in health care, fitness and wellness is growing rapidly. The field of wearable electronics consists of several components – sensors, actuators, electronics and power storage or power...

Highest specific strength titanium alloy created using cutting-edge 3D printing techniques

Sep 19, 2022 (Nanowerk News) A world-first study led by Monash University engineers has demonstrated how cutting-edge 3D-printing techniques can be used to produce an ultra strong commercial titanium alloy - a significant leap forward for the aerospace, space, defence, energy and biomedical industries. Australian researchers, led by Professor Aijun...

Green electronics made from wood

Sep 19, 2022 (Nanowerk News) Non-biodegradable electronic waste continues to accumulate year after year. For that reason, making electronic components at least partly from a natural raw material like wood seems an obvious solution. But it’s easier said than done. For one thing, wood is naturally an electrical insulator. It...