Single-chain polymer nanoparticles could provide a promising approach in the battle against malaria

Dec 20, 2022 (Nanowerk News) New research by a team of University of Twente researchers could provide a promising approach in the battle against malaria. In the research published in the scientific journal ACS Infectious Diseases ("Single-Chain Polymer Nanoparticles Targeting the Ookinete Stage of Malaria Parasites"), the researchers combat the...

How science behind epidemics helped physicists to develop state-of-the-art conductive paint

Dec 20, 2022 (Nanowerk News) In new research published in Nature Communications ("Explosive percolation yields highly-conductive polymer nanocomposites"), University of Sussex scientists demonstrate how a highly conductive paint coating that they have developed mimics the network spread of a virus through a process called 'explosive percolation' – a mathematical process which can also be...