Paper-supported photodetectors

Jan 08, 2023 (Nanowerk News) There are certain applications where one would require to use single-use (disposable) electronic components. Point-of-care medical testing applications, for example, could benefit strongly of disposable electronics. The high cost of current PCB board or silicon based components, however, would make these single-use electronics not feasible...

Nanotechnology Now – Press Release: Dawn of solid-state quantum networks: Researchers demonstrated high-visibility quantum interference between two independent semiconductor quantum dots — an important step toward scalable quantum networks

Home > Press > Dawn of solid-state quantum networks: Researchers demonstrated high-visibility quantum interference between two independent semiconductor quantum dots — an important step toward scalable quantum networks Experimental configuration of quantum interference between two independent solid-state QD single-photon sources separated by 302 km fiber. DM: dichromatic mirror, LP: long...

Nanotechnology Now – Press Release: Development of bio-friendly transparent temperature sensor technology that precisely measures temperature changes by light

Home > Press > Development of bio-friendly transparent temperature sensor technology that precisely measures temperature changes by lightAbstract:Professor Kang Hong-gi of the Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science at DGIST(President: Kuk Yang), together with Dr. Chung Seung-jun of the Soft Hybrid Materials Research Center, KIST(President: Yoon Seok-jin) announced the...

Nanotechnology Now – Press Release: Dual-site collaboration boosts electrochemical nitrogen reduction on Ru-S-C single-atom catalyst

Home > Press > Dual-site collaboration boosts electrochemical nitrogen reduction on Ru-S-C single-atom catalyst Using in situ Raman spectroscopy and dynamic kinetic effect, the researchers have experimentally confirmed the positive effect of the Ru/S dual-site mechanism on eNRR over a model Ru-S-C single-atom catalyst. CREDIT Chinese Journal of Catalysis...