Researchers develop optical method to verify topological phases in magnetic materials

Jan 17, 2023 (Nanowerk News) Much recent research has focused on ‘topological’ materials – an intriguing type of solids which fall outside the standard classification into insulators and conductors. While their bulk is insulating, these phases are characterized by electrically conducting channels which appear at their edges. These resulting so-called...

Organic semiconductors curl up in the dark

Jan 17, 2023 (Nanowerk News) At DESY´s brilliant X-ray source PETRA III, an international research team was able to observe in real time the influence that ambient light has on the production of organic semiconductors. The group, led by researchers from the Technical University of Denmark, combined different observation techniques and...

Multi-layered, nanostructured ‘space skin’ can help future satellites and spacecraft harvest energy

Jan 16, 2023 (Nanowerk News) A 'space skin' could help protect spacecraft and satellites from harsh solar radiation while also harvesting energy for future use in the craft's mission, according to a study (ACS Nano, "Multifunctional Nanostructures with Controllable Band Gap Giving Highly Stable Infrared Emissivity for Smart Thermal Management")...

‘Lights out’ for antibiotic-resistant superbugs

Jan 16, 2023 (Nanowerk News) It’s ‘lights out’ for antibiotic-resistant superbugs as next-generation light-activated nanotech proves it can eradicate some of the most notorious and potentially deadly bacteria in the world. Developed by the University of South Australia and published in Pharmaceutics ("Gallium Protoporphyrin Liquid Crystalline Lipid Nanoparticles: A Third-Generation...

Blocking radio waves and electromagnetic interference with the flip of a switch

Jan 16, 2023 (Nanowerk News) Researchers in Drexel University’s College of Engineering have developed a thin film device, fabricated by spray coating, that can block electromagnetic radiation with the flip of a switch. The breakthrough, enabled by versatile two-dimensional materials called MXenes, could adjust the performance of electronic devices, strengthen...