A new model for dark matter

Jan 23, 2023 (Nanowerk News) Dark matter remains one of the greatest mysteries of modern physics. It is clear that it must exist, because without dark matter, for example, the motion of galaxies cannot be explained. But it has never been possible to detect dark matter in an experiment. Currently,...

Webb unveils dark side of pre-stellar ice chemistry

Jan 23, 2023 (Nanowerk News) If you want to build a habitable planet, ices are a vital ingredient because they are the main source of several key elements — namely carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, nitrogen, and sulfur (referred to here as CHONS). These elements are important ingredients in both planetary atmospheres...

Nanotechnology turns to shark skin and dragonfly wings

Jan 23, 2023 (Nanowerk News) Shark skin and dragonfly wings are two of nanotechnology researchers’ favourite things in new studies looking for solutions to maritime and medical mysteries. The microscopic makeup of these natural surfaces may hold the key to better applications in human technologies, studies by Flinders University and...