Nanotechnology Now – Press Release: One of the causes of aggressive liver cancer discovered: a ‘molecular staple’ that helps repair broken: DNA Researchers describe a new DNA repair mechanism that hinders cancer treatment

Home > Press > One of the causes of aggressive liver cancer discovered: a 'molecular staple' that helps repair broken: DNA Researchers describe a new DNA repair mechanism that hinders cancer treatment Researchers describe a new DNA repair mechanism that hinders cancer treatment CREDIT CireniaSketches/CNIO Abstract:•Researchers describe a new...

Nanotechnology Now – Press Release: Qubits on strong stimulants: Researchers find ways to improve the storage time of quantum information in a spin rich material

Home > Press > Qubits on strong stimulants: Researchers find ways to improve the storage time of quantum information in a spin rich material Artist’s impression of an electron spin in a quantum dot, interfaced with light and strongly-coupled nuclear spins (viewed through a lens). CREDIT Leon Zaporski -...

Nanotechnology Now – Press Release: UCF researcher receives Samsung International Global Research Outreach Award: The award from the multinational electronics corporation will fund the development of infrared night vision and thermal sensing camera technology for cell phones and consumer electronics

Home > Press > UCF researcher receives Samsung International Global Research Outreach Award: The award from the multinational electronics corporation will fund the development of infrared night vision and thermal sensing camera technology for cell phones and consumer electronics UCF researcher Debashis Chanda is an expert in infrared imaging, including...