Apr 03, 2023 (Nanowerk News) Missing crucial doses of medicines and vaccines could become a thing of the past thanks to Rice University bioengineers’ next-level technology for making time-released drugs. “This is a huge problem in the treatment of chronic disease,” said Kevin McHugh, corresponding author of a study about...
What happens when robots lie?
Apr 03, 2023 (Nanowerk News) Imagine a scenario. A young child asks a chatbot or a voice assistant if Santa Claus is real. How should the AI respond, given that some families would prefer a lie over the truth? The field of robot deception is understudied, and for now, there...
Galaxy clusters yield new evidence for standard model of cosmology
Apr 03, 2023 (Nanowerk News) Cosmologists have found new evidence for the standard model of cosmology – this time, using data on the structure of galaxy clusters. In a recent study (Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, "The Concentration–Mass relation of massive, dynamically relaxed galaxy clusters: agreement between observations...
Robotic hand can identify objects with just one grasp
Apr 03, 2023 (Nanowerk News) Inspired by the human finger, MIT researchers have developed a robotic hand that uses high-resolution touch sensing to accurately identify an object after grasping it just one time. Many robotic hands pack all their powerful sensors into the fingertips, so an object must be in...
A patient-friendly hydrogel platform for administering lifesaving biologics
Apr 03, 2023 (Nanowerk News) Biologics, a class of therapeutics derived from living organisms, offer enormous advantages to patients battling challenging diseases and disorders. Treatments based on biologics can boost the immune system to stem attacks from infections or target specific pathways to block the formation of tumors. “These drugs,...