Magnetic microrobots with folate targeting for drug delivery

Jun 06, 2023 (Nanowerk News) The effectiveness of microrobots in aiding drug delivery into cells is currently limited, which impacts their therapeutic value. To overcome this, researchers have integrated the cancer-targeting compound, folic acid (FA), into microrobots. This allows for increased drug absorption by cancer cells through a process known...

Thermochromic smart windows for energy efficiency

Jun 06, 2023 (Nanowerk Spotlight) As the reality of climate change grows increasingly imminent, the need for energy-efficient solutions and decreased carbon emissions becomes more pressing than ever. Among the various ways to confront this global challenge, one stands out due to its close connection to our daily lives: optimizing...

Unleashing the power of intelligent drone swarms

Jun 05, 2023 (Nanowerk News) It’s a long-held notion, proven in fact, that robots are the perfect instrument to free humans from jobs that are dull, dirty and dangerous – the “3 Ds” in industry speak – with flying robots (drones) leading the way. As low-cost drones have proliferated worldwide,...

Slow electrons for more efficient reactions

Jun 05, 2023 (Nanowerk News) What the international team of researchers actually set out to do was to detect a mysterious chemical object: a dielectron in solution. A dielectron is made up of two electrons, but unlike an atom, it has no nucleus. Up to now, scientists have been unable...