High-tech invisible MOF ink spells trouble for counterfeiters

Sep 13, 2023 (Nanowerk News) A high-tech invisible ink invented at Sandia National Laboratories could become the newest tool for stopping counterfeit goods. The research team is now seeking partnerships to help develop and ultimately commercialize the new technology. Beyond their negative economic impact, counterfeit goods can threaten public health....

Scientists unlock reversible twisting of nanoscale materials

Sep 13, 2023 (Nanowerk News) For the first time, researchers have synthetically produced nanoscale helices that can be repeatedly twisted, untwisted, and retwisted between two stable forms. This breakthrough, published in Nature Communications ("Twisting, untwisting, and retwisting of elastic Co-based nanohelices"), demonstrates an unprecedented, reversible transformation of nanoscale crystalline materials....

New terahertz emitters harness natural material properties for nanoscale devices

Sep 13, 2023 (Nanowerk Spotlight) The development of compact and efficient terahertz radiation sources is crucial for the advancement of terahertz technology across a range of applications from imaging and sensing to broadband communications. In a new study published in Advanced Materials ("Generation of Terahertz Radiation via the Transverse Thermoelectric...