Diamond materials as solar-powered electrodes

Sep 21, 2023 (Nanowerk News) It sounds like magic: photoelectrodes could convert the greenhouse gas CO2 back into methanol or N2 molecules into valuable fertiliser - using only the energy of sunlight. An HZB study (Small Methods, "Surface-mediated charge transfer of photogenerated carriers in diamond") has now shown that diamond...

Innovative solution for poultry litter waste management using photocatalytic titanate nanofibers

Sep 21, 2023 (Nanowerk News) The shift away from using poultry litter for crop fertilization has transformed this once-valuable agricultural byproduct into an environmental liability for poultry producers. Addressing this challenge, a study led by Dr. Jun Zhu from the University of Arkansas offers an innovative approach using photocatalytic titanate...

New nanopore tech for quicker, more thorough mRNA quality checks

Sep 21, 2023 (Nanowerk News) Researchers at The University of Queensland are harnessing the latest sequencing technology developed by UK-based biotech Oxford Nanopore Technologies to analyse mRNA vaccines and therapies. This approach promises to simplify and better ensure the quality of manufactured mRNA-based vaccines and therapeutics worldwide. The BASE team...

MXene-enhanced hydrogel sensors for wearable technologies and human-machine interfaces

Sep 21, 2023 (Nanowerk Spotlight) Hydrogel materials show great promise for developing next-generation wearable sensors due to their flexibility, biocompatibility and tunable electrical properties. However, it remains challenging for hydrogel sensors to achieve high sensitivity while maintaining robust mechanical stretchability and stability in changing environments. Now, scientists from multiple Chinese...

Black holes eat faster than previously expected

Sep 20, 2023 (Nanowerk News) A new Northwestern University-led study is changing the way astrophysicists understand the eating habits of supermassive black holes. While previous researchers have hypothesized that black holes eat slowly, new simulations indicate that black holes scarf food much faster than conventional understanding suggests. The study will...