A new method for peptide sequencing based on nanopore sensing technology

Nov 24, 2023 (Nanowerk News) A recent study published in Nature Methods ("Peptide sequencing based on host–guest interaction-assisted nanopore sensing") showcases the development of a revolutionary protein sequencing technology, promising significant advances in the fields of proteomics and clinical diagnostics. This research, led by Prof. Haichen Wu from the Institute...

Programmable DNA origamis enable targeted drug delivery

Nov 24, 2023 (Nanowerk News) For decades, researchers have sought improved control over the distribution and activity of therapeutic drugs to minimize adverse side effects while maximizing efficacy. Most approved drugs like small molecules and monoclonal antibodies operate systemically with little innate precision over where they accumulate in the body...

Unlocking the potential of digital manufacturing for ready-to-use microfluidics

Nov 24, 2023 (Nanowerk Spotlight) For decades, microfluidics has held promise as a revolutionary technology, yet widespread adoption outside research labs has remained elusive. Microfluidic devices enable precise control of tiny volumes of fluid for automated chemical and biological analysis, offering potential breakthroughs in medical testing and diagnostics. However, manufacturing...

Magnetic graphene for low-power electronics

Nov 24, 2023 (Nanowerk News) National University of Singapore (NUS) physicists have developed a concept to induce and directly quantify spin splitting in two-dimensional materials. By using this concept, they have experimentally achieved large tunability and a high degree of spin-polarisation in graphene. This research achievement can potentially advance the...