Reprogramming tissue mechanically

Nov 29, 2023 (Nanowerk News) Researchers at PSI and ETH Zurich have taken connective tissue cells that have been mechanically reprogrammed to resemble stem cells and transplanted them into damaged skin. In their laboratory experiment, they were able to show that this can promote wound healing. Key Takeaways Mechanical reprogramming...

Liquid metal-MXene-based hierarchical aerogel enables infrared and radar invisibility

Nov 29, 2023 (Nanowerk Spotlight) Researchers have long sought to develop multifunctional stealth materials capable of evading detection across different parts of the electromagnetic spectrum. However, achieving compatible stealth performance across varying radar, infrared, and other bands has persisted as a major challenge. Materials and coatings optimized for radar absorbance...

Unlocking the secrets of cells with AI

Nov 28, 2023 (Nanowerk News) Machine learning is now helping researchers analyze the makeup of unfamiliar cells, which could lead to more personalized medicine in the treatment of cancer and other serious diseases. Researchers at the University of Waterloo developed GraphNovo, a new program that provides a more accurate understanding...