New bioink allows bioprinting directly onto wet, irregular surfaces

Dec 15, 2023 (Nanowerk Spotlight) Biofabrication holds incredible promise for regenerating damaged tissues and organs. Yet a fundamental challenge has hindered progress: conventional bioinks designed to print living cells cannot cling to moist, irregular wound surfaces. Without immediate, seamless adhesion, intricate bioprinted structures collapse upon contact with tissue in the...

Researchers propose a new nano-micro composite delivery concept for inhalable vaccines

Dec 15, 2023 (Nanowerk News) Scientists from the Chinese Academy of Sciences' Institute of Process Engineering have introduced a novel vaccine delivery concept termed "nano-micro composite." Utilizing this concept, they have crafted an inhalable, dry powder vaccine platform, distinguished by nano-micro composite multilevel structures. Successfully tested in the laboratory, this...

Molecular design unlocks precision-engineered materials for revolutionary 3D printing

Dec 15, 2023 (Nanowerk News) Nature boasts an unparalleled talent for material fabrication through precise molecular architecture - the intricate protein machines that drive metabolism and replication reveal Assembly lines fine-tuned over eons of evolution. Despite remarkable advances, chemists still struggle to approach the precision and complexity of even the...

Combining diamond and lithium niobate as a core component for future quantum technologies

Dec 15, 2023 (Nanowerk News) Quantum information scientists are always on the hunt for winning combinations of materials, materials that can be manipulated at the molecular level to reliably store and transmit information. Following a recent proof-of-principle demonstration, researchers are adding a new combination of compounds to the quantum materials...

Artificial intelligence is revolutionizing medical research

Dec 15, 2023 (Nanowerk News) While debate continues on the pros and cons of the proliferation of artificial intelligence in a broad range of applications, one channel in which it is making undisputed advancement is medical research. While being extremely conscientious about preserving personal medical information in their efforts, researchers...

A step towards the development of next-generation magnetic devices that control light

Dec 15, 2023 (Nanowerk News) In a significant advancement in optical technology, researchers from Tohoku University and Toyohashi University of Technology have developed a new method for creating transparent magnetic materials using laser heating. This breakthrough, recently published in the journal Optical Materials ("Vacuum laser annealing of magnetooptical cerium-substituted yttrium...