Shock wave photographed passing through a single cell

Dec 21, 2023 (Nanowerk News) A microscopic shock wave has been photographed passing through a single biological cell, thanks to a new photography technique. Nanosecond photography uses ultrafast electronic cameras to take images at the speed of a billionth of a second. However, image quality and exposure time are typically...

Using ‘waste’ product from recent NASA Mars research, scientists create transformative nanomaterials

Dec 21, 2023 (Nanowerk News) Researchers at the University of Sussex have discovered the transformative potential of Martian nanomaterials, potentially opening the door to sustainable habitation on the red planet. They published their findings in ("Quasi–1D Anhydrite Nanobelts from the Sustainable Liquid Exfoliation of Terrestrial Gypsum for Future Martian-Based Electronics")....