Feb 12, 2024 (Nanowerk News) A recent study (Nano Letters, "Room-Temperature Fiber-Coupled Single-Photon Sources based on Colloidal Quantum Dots and SiV Centers in Back-Excited Nanoantennas"), spearheaded by Boaz Lubotzky during his PhD research, along with Prof. Ronen Rapaport from the Racah Institute of Physics at The Hebrew University of Jerusalem,...
How the quantum world can help scientists engineer biology
Feb 12, 2024 (Nanowerk News) CRISPR-Cas is a tool that allows scientists to make targeted changes to an organism’s DNA. This tool consists of two parts. The first is a microscopic substance called a nuclease Cas protein (e.g., Cas9) that can cleave DNA. The second is an RNA molecule (also...
What did the electron ‘say’ to the phonon in the graphene sandwich?
Feb 12, 2024 (Nanowerk News) Electrons carry electrical energy, while vibrational energy is carried by phonons. Understanding how they interact with each other in certain materials, like in a sandwich of two graphene layers, will have implications for future optoelectronic devices. Key Takeaways Twisted graphene layers exhibit unique electrical properties....
How can nanotechnology transform food safety worldwide?
Feb 12, 2024 (Nanowerk Spotlight) Researchers worldwide have been harnessing the special characteristics of nanomaterials for improving industries like medicine, energy, and agriculture. There is accelerating interest in applying nanotechnology to enhance food quality, safety, packaging, and preservation as well. These issues are highly relevant and urgent as food safety...