Apr 08, 2024 (Nanowerk News) Transition metal telluride nanosheets have shown enormous promise for fundamental research and other applications across a range of different fields, but until now, mass fabrication has been impossible, leaving the material as something of a laboratory curiosity rather than an industrial reality. But a team...
Engineers design flexible ‘skeletons’ for soft, muscle-powered robots
Apr 08, 2024 (Nanowerk News) Our muscles are nature’s perfect actuators — devices that turn energy into motion. For their size, muscle fibers are more powerful and precise than most synthetic actuators. They can even heal from damage and grow stronger with exercise. For these reasons, engineers are exploring ways...
Advances in adaptive, intelligent life-inspired materials
Apr 08, 2024 (Nanowerk Spotlight) The drive to create materials that emulate the extraordinary properties of living systems has long been a source of inspiration and frustration for scientists and engineers. From the earliest attempts to understand the mysteries of silk's strength and elasticity to the more recent efforts to...
Telescope detects unprecedented behaviour from nearby magnetar
Apr 08, 2024 (Nanowerk News) Researchers using Murriyang, CSIRO’s Parkes radio telescope, have detected unusual radio pulses from a previously dormant star with a powerful magnetic field. New results published in Nature Astronomy ("Linear to circular conversion in the polarized radio emission of a magnetar") describe radio signals from magnetar...
With the flick of a switch: Shaping cells with light
Apr 08, 2024 (Nanowerk News) Cells are the building blocks of our body and are organized into smaller components, each with a specialized function. Most of these components are enveloped by a protective membrane made of fats. All, with the exception of the biomolecular condensates. These tiny, dynamic droplets prepare...
Tunable quantum dot microcavities could unlock scalable quantum photonics
Apr 07, 2024 (Nanowerk Spotlight) In the efforts to develop quantum computers and secure communication networks, a tiny device called a single photon source is a crucial component. By emitting light as a stream of individual photons, these sources can generate the quantum bits, or qubits, that form the foundation...
Magnetic fields boost clean energy
Apr 07, 2024 (Nanowerk News) In an era where the quest for sustainable energy sources has become paramount, researchers are tirelessly exploring innovative avenues to enhance fuel production processes. One of the most important tools in converting chemical energy into electrical energy and vice versa is electrocatalysis, which is already...
A simple, inexpensive way to make carbon atoms bind together
Apr 07, 2024 (Nanowerk News) The active ingredient in many drugs is what’s known as a small molecule: bigger than water, much smaller than an antibody and mainly made of carbon. It’s tough, however, to make these molecules if they require a quaternary carbon—a carbon atom bonded to four other...
Nanotechnology Now – Press Release: Simulating magnetization in a Heisenberg quantum spin chain
Home > Press > Simulating magnetization in a Heisenberg quantum spin chain Simulating magnetization in a Heisenberg quantum spin chain CREDIT Google LLC Abstract:The rapid progress of quantum simulators is now enabling them to study problems that before have been limited to the domain of theoretical physics and numerical...
Nanotechnology Now – Press Release: NRL charters Navys quantum inertial navigation path to reduce drift
Home > Press > NRL charters Navys quantum inertial navigation path to reduce drift Jonathan Kwolek, Ph.D., a research physicist from the U.S. Naval Research Laboratory (NRL) Quantum Optics Section attaches fiber-optic cables to deliver light into the compact laser-delivery system, which is carefully aligned around a custom vacuum cell...