Apr 18, 2024 (Nanowerk News) Making ever smaller and more powerful chips requires new ultrathin materials: 2D materials that are only 1 atom thick, or even just a couple of atoms. Think about graphene or ultra-thin silicon membrane for instance. Scientists at TU Delft have taken an important step in...
An ink for 3D-printing flexible devices without mechanical joints
Apr 18, 2024 (Nanowerk News) For engineers working on soft robotics or wearable devices, keeping things light is a constant challenge: heavier materials require more energy to move around, and – in the case of wearables or prostheses – cause discomfort. Elastomers are synthetic polymers that can be manufactured with...
Scientists grow human mini-lungs as animal alternative for nanomaterial safety testing
Apr 18, 2024 (Nanowerk News) Human mini-lungs grown by University of Manchester scientists can mimic the response of animals when exposed to certain nanomaterials. The study at the University’s NanoCell Biology Lab at the Centre for Nanotechnology in Medicine is published in the journal nanotoday ("Functioning human lung organoids model...
MXene nanogenerator device harnesses sweat power for fitness trackers
Apr 18, 2024 (Nanowerk News) In a paper published in Device ("Efficient energy generation from a sweat-powered, wearable, MXene-based hydroelectric nanogenerator"), Deakin researchers have outlined how they have designed a ground-breaking wearable hydroelectric nanogenerator – powerful enough to power small electronics such as Fitbits and smart watches – that combines...
Enhancing chemical production with enzyme-packed flow-through reactors using tailor-made nanomembranes
Apr 18, 2024 (Nanowerk News) Flow-through reactors packed with enzymes can produce certain chemicals in a gentle and careful way. However, their performance has so far been limited. A research team from the Helmholtz-Zentrum Hereon and RWTH Aachen University has now been able to increase the yield a thousandfold. Using...
AI tool predicts responses to cancer therapy using information from each cell of the tumor
Apr 18, 2024 (Nanowerk News) With more than 200 types of cancer and every cancer individually unique, ongoing efforts to develop precision oncology treatments remain daunting. Most of the focus has been on developing genetic sequencing assays or analyses to identify mutations in cancer driver genes, then trying to match...
A better view with new mid-infrared nanoscopy
Apr 17, 2024 (Nanowerk News) A team at the University of Tokyo have constructed an improved mid-infrared microscope, enabling them to see the structures inside living bacteria at the nanometer scale. The research has been published in Nature Photonics ("Mid-infrared wide-field nanoscopy"). Mid-infrared microscopy is typically limited by its low...
Spontaneously emerging crystal arrangements in perovskite halides
Apr 17, 2024 (Nanowerk News) Perovskites are among the most extensively studied materials in modern materials science. Their often unique and exotic properties, which stem from perovskite’s peculiar crystal structure, could find revolutionary applications in various cutting-edge fields. One intriguing way of realizing such properties is through the precise ordering...
Broadband gold nanogap sensor revolutionizes material testing and virus detection
Apr 17, 2024 (Nanowerk News) A research team consisting of Professor Kyoung-Duck Park and Taeyoung Moon and Huitae Joo, PhD candidates, from the Department of Physics at Pohang University of Science and Technology (POSTECH) has engineered “broadband nanogap gold spectroscopic sensor” using a flexible material capable of bending to create...
A simpler way to inorganic perovskite solar cells
Apr 17, 2024 (Nanowerk News) Inorganic perovskite solar cells made of CsPbI3 are stable over the long term and achieve good efficiencies. A team led by Prof. Antonio Abate has now analysed surfaces and interfaces of CsPbI3 films, produced under different conditions, at BESSY II. The research has been published...