nanoparticles for precision drug delivery

Jun 27, 2024 (Nanowerk News) Harnessing nanoparticles to deliver drugs precisely to a surgically repaired tendon is a promising new approach that reduced scar tissue formation and improved mechanical function in a study appearing in Science Advances ("Development of a nanoparticle-based tendon-targeting drug delivery system to pharmacologically modulate tendon healing")....

How scientists build rotatory machines with molecules

Jun 27, 2024 (Nanowerk News) Machines have evolved to meet the demands of daily life and industrial use, with molecular-scale devices often exhibiting improved functionalities and mechanical movements. However, mastering the control of mechanics within solid-state molecular structures remains a significant challenge. Researchers at Ulsan National Institute of Science and...

Innovative electrospinning techniques revolutionize precise medicine through advanced medical devices

Jun 26, 2024 (Nanowerk News) In a groundbreaking advancement that could reshape the landscape of precise medicine, researchers from the Beijing Institute of Technology and Rutgers University have unveiled a series of innovative electrospinning techniques capable of significantly enhancing the functionality and effectiveness of medical devices. This pioneering study, recently...