Nanocatalyst breakthrough revolutionizes wastewater treatment and pollutant degradation

Aug 22, 2024 (Nanowerk News) The urgent need for advanced technologies that ensure both safe water supply and effective pollutant degradation has driven researchers to explore innovative solutions. A recent study, led by Assistant Professor Edison Ang Huixiang at the National Institute of Education/Nanyang Technological University, introduces a cutting-edge nanocatalyst...

Revealing DNA behavior in record time (w/video)

Aug 22, 2024 (Nanowerk News) “DNA, RNA and proteins are the key players to regulate all processes in the cells of our body,” Leiden Professor John van Noort explains. “To understand the (mis-)functioning of these molecules, it is essential to uncover how their 3D structure depends on their sequence and...

Polymeric nanocarriers improve crop engineering by delivering proteins across cell walls

Aug 22, 2024 (Nanowerk Spotlight) Advances in plant biotechnology have long been frustrated by a stubborn obstacle: the impermeable cell walls that shield plant cells from foreign molecules. Delivering functional proteins into these cells has remained a formidable challenge, stalling progress in areas like crop improvement and stress monitoring. Traditional...

a double-edged sword for aquatic algal life

Aug 22, 2024 (Nanowerk News) As nanotechnology progresses, the pervasive use of cerium oxide nanoparticles in various industrial applications has led to their frequent dispersal into aquatic environments. These particles have become a routine element of industrial waste, interfacing with vital aquatic organisms like algae. With increasing concerns over their...