Harvesting coherent hypersound with elliptical micropillars

Aug 24, 2024 (Nanowerk News) Scientists have harnessed elliptical micropillars to enhance the generation and detection of coherent acoustic phonons in the gigahertz range. This advancement represents a significant step forward in the development of more efficient nanoacoustic transducers. Controlling hypersound at the nanoscale has long been a significant challenge...

Superconductivity Is unpredictable at the edge

Aug 24, 2024 (Nanowerk News) Topological materials are materials that have unusual properties that arise because their wavefunction—the physical law guiding the electrons—is knotted or twisted. Where the topological material meets the surrounding space, the wavefunction must unwind. To accommodate this abrupt change, the electrons at the edge of the...

Turning bacteria into bioplastic factories

Aug 24, 2024 (Nanowerk News) In a world overrun by petroleum-based plastics, scientists are searching for alternatives that are more sustainable, more biodegradable and far less toxic to the environment. Two new studies by biologists at Washington University in St. Louis highlight one potential source of game-changing materials: purple bacteria...

Self-improving AI method increases 3D-printing efficiency

Aug 22, 2024 (Nanowerk News) An artificial intelligence algorithm can allow researchers to more efficiently use 3D printing to manufacture intricate structures. The Washington State University study, published in the journal Advanced Materials Technologies ("Machine Learning Enabled Design and Optimization for 3D-Printing of High-Fidelity Presurgical Organ Models"), could allow for...

Floatable solar device cleans water and tackles pollutants in one smart solution

Aug 22, 2024 (Nanowerk News) The quest for advanced technologies that address both clean water regeneration and pollutant degradation has become increasingly critical. Recent research presents a novel solution, as reported in Materials Horizons ("Monolith floatable dual-function solar photothermal evaporator: efficient clean water regeneration synergizing with pollutant degradation"). In this...